INDY Week Endorsement!
INDY Week announced their endorsements for Raleigh City Council including Jennifer for District D.
“Jennifer Truman is an architectural designer and self-described optimist, and her contributions to the city are considerable. An active member of the Southwest CAC before the groups were disbanded, Truman understands that, though imperfect, one of the strengths of the CACs was facilitating community engagement (though she doesn’t support reinstating them). Truman contributed to the Dix Park master planning process, was a member of the community leader group for the Dix Edge study, and has served on the Raleigh Transit Authority for a year and a half. A mother of young children, Truman uses her bike and the public transit system to get around the district. She’s also a proponent and activist in the realm of urban agriculture.”
Read full list of endorsements here.
Since they also endorsed one of my opponents - we still need help from neighbors and friends to spread the word about Jenn’s vision for Raleigh.